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Active Release Technique




Active Release Technique (ART) is the most advanced soft tissue (nerve, muscle, tendon, fascia and ligament) technique available. It is a hands-on therapy where the practitioner focuses on a specific injury and applies a unique pressure, tension, and range of motion. This will reduce scar tissue in order to separate, release, and stretch out the connective tissue adhesions. This separation and breakage of adhesions will restore vascular and lymph circulation, increase your range of motion, increase flexibility and increase strength. Breaking these adhesions may cause some discomfort during the session, similar to a very specific deep tissue massage combined with trigger point therapy and muscular activation.  


Many conditions such as headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, sciatica, lower back pain, neck pain, and rotator cuff syndrome can benefit from an ART session because many of these injuries are caused by overuse and fall into the accumulative pain cycle.


Treatments usually last 15-30minutes depending on how many areas are being focused on. I offer my sessions in increments of 30minutes, 60minutes and 90minutes. Massage combined with ART brings the best of two worlds together by starting with the more intense protocols (ART) and ending with a relaxing massage. 

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